So today we will talk about the fix matka, those of you who play matka games will know what this thing is and those who will not play or have just started new ones will not know what this matka is and They may have even started speaking, they may not know what is this matka, so today I will tell you in full details what this matka fix matka is.
This is the way in which you can remove the fixed points, that means that you can remove the points that are going to come in the next result, this is a tremendous way, friends, you will win the hundred percent, so friends, you have to write this article in a good way first. So that if you understand, then you will not have to go to learn this method, what is the cut marks of Matka, if you do not know Cuttack, then let me tell you that you have to get cut marks from 0 to 4, such as what is a zero cut. What is the cut of zero, what is the cut of 5 and what is the cut of zero, what is the time of 6 and 6, you have to know the whole cut in such a way, friends, at present, I am not telling the whole way and cut that I date If I tell you here, this method will be copied very soon and friends, many people will also know that if many people know this method then you can understand that this method will not work because the people who own the matka Let's change the method again and it will feed twice in different ways.
Friends, what is matka here, what can you do with the help of fix matka, so without delay I have told you all about fix matka and I will keep telling you more and friends this one matkhala is a very big way with the help of you You can easily win all the games and friends. What does this fix matka mean? To remove all the matka games, it is called fix matka. Friends, this fix matka is a very tremendous way, with the help of all you matka. You can remove the game fix points very easily and friends just because if you want to learn in some way, then friends do not need to learn the method of this mat first, and friends, this fix matka can give you many benefits.
FINALANK.NET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18/01/25 Sat | =8=(277-64-356) | =3=(389-00-578) |
19/01/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(490-37-269) |
20/01/25 Mon | =2=(667-92-110) | =7=(169-63-139) |
21/01/25 Tue | =2=(149-43-355) | =7=(448-67-700) |
22/01/25 Wed | =1=(578-00-460) | =4=(390-21-588) |
23/01/25 Thu | =0=(248-46-556) | =5=(679-21-245) |
24/01/25 Fri | =6=(290-18-125) | =1=(479-03-346) |
25/01/25 Sat | =8=(246-21-489) | =3=(660-28-558) |
26/01/25 Sun | ** | ** |
27/01/25 Mon | =1=(880-67-377) | =4=(229-39-450) |
28/01/25 Tue | =7=(260-82-390) | =5=(336-29-117) |
29/01/25 Wed | =0=(140-56-600) | =5=(200-26-880) |
30/01/25 Thu | =2=(888-43-599) | =7=(799-54-590) |
31/01/25 Fri | =3=(799-58-260) | =4=(245-17-449) |
01/02/25 Sat | =1=(477-89-180) | =6=(179-71-290) |
02/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(189-80-127) |
03/02/25 Mon | =9=(800-89-450) | =4=(360-92-570) |
04/02/25 Tue | =0=(799-52-390) | =4=(160-74-590) |
05/02/25 Wed | =5=(678-19-144) | =3=(133-74-446) |
06/02/25 Thu | =4=(112-43-166) | =5=(236-15-339) |
07/02/25 Fri | =2=(380-10-370) | =9=(780-57-359) |
08/02/25 Sat | =0=(358-64-590) | =3=(334-00-479) |
09/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(260-83-139) |
10/02/25 Mon | =5=(679-26-600) | =3=(478-95-177) |
11/02/25 Tue | =2=(136-09-559) | =0=(378-84-266) |
12/02/25 Wed | =3=(235-01-669) | =4=(134-89-126) |
13/02/25 Thu | =1=(477-85-159) | =6=(189-89-270) |
14/02/25 Fri | =0=(668-06-600) | =8=(223-71-560) |
15/02/25 Sat | =3=(239-42-660) | =2=(245-12-679) |
16/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(690-59-135) |
17/02/25 Mon | =8=(110-24-770) | =1=(245-19-559) |
18/01/25 Sat | =2=(157-37-458) | =7=(569-05-799) |
19/01/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
20/01/25 Mon | =6=(360-92-660) | =1=(580-39-478) |
21/01/25 Tue | =5=(178-63-689) | =0=(556-66-466) |
22/01/25 Wed | =7=(277-60-569) | =9=(178-64-149) |
23/01/25 Thu | =6=(490-38-558) | =7=(570-20-190) |
24/01/25 Fri | =3=(146-10-569) | =8=(477-86-259) |
25/01/25 Sat | =4=(277-60-280) | =9=(339-53-580) |
26/01/25 Sun | ** | ** |
27/01/25 Mon | =6=(679-22-110) | =9=(150-63-148) |
28/01/25 Tue | =2=(348-59-900) | =3=(137-11-669) |
29/01/25 Wed | =2=(477-88-558) | =7=(357-50-235) |
30/01/25 Thu | =0=(178-67-269) | =5=(189-82-200) |
31/01/25 Fri | =9=(135-99-126) | =0=(800-82-390) |
01/02/25 Sat | =0=(180-91-560) | =5=(129-25-690) |
02/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/02/25 Mon | =7=(170-85-889) | =3=(556-63-346) |
04/02/25 Tue | =5=(123-64-590) | =7=(127-00-190) |
05/02/25 Wed | =8=(239-40-479) | =9=(470-14-590) |
06/02/25 Thu | =6=(590-48-170) | =7=(340-70-578) |
07/02/25 Fri | =7=(237-21-245) | =8=(388-91-335) |
08/02/25 Sat | =5=(277-60-299) | =7=(158-40-370) |
09/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/02/25 Mon | =1=(789-49-568) | =9=(224-87-359) |
11/02/25 Tue | =4=(570-23-157) | =7=(235-09-469) |
12/02/25 Wed | =0=(336-20-578) | =5=(456-54-112) |
13/02/25 Thu | =2=(166-38-233) | =3=(558-83-670) |
14/02/25 Fri | =3=(178-64-239) | =2=(168-51-380) |
15/02/25 Sat | =0=(669-13-337) | =6=(569-05-177) |
16/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/02/25 Mon | =4=(135-95-258) | =5=(240-67-359) |
18/01/25 Sat | =1=(470-18-189) | =9=(367-64-248) |
19/01/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
20/01/25 Mon | =0=(257-47-458) | =8=(469-99-126) |
21/01/25 Tue | =6=(800-83-148) | =4=(189-84-220) |
22/01/25 Wed | =3=(149-45-357) | =5=(136-07-124) |
23/01/25 Thu | =9=(260-80-145) | =2=(140-52-147) |
24/01/25 Fri | =2=(256-33-689) | =5=(129-26-114) |
25/01/25 Sat | =5=(489-18-369) | =7=(780-53-148) |
26/01/25 Sun | ** | ** |
27/01/25 Mon | =7=(289-96-349) | =3=(240-63-779) |
28/01/25 Tue | =4=(589-25-267) | =1=(490-35-456) |
29/01/25 Wed | =8=(250-78-369) | =8=(388-99-117) |
30/01/25 Thu | =1=(690-59-478) | =6=(170-84-167) |
31/01/25 Fri | =0=(580-30-550) | =4=(270-91-245) |
01/02/25 Sat | =6=(270-94-167) | =9=(690-51-399) |
02/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/02/25 Mon | =3=(136-08-189) | =8=(390-22-778) |
04/02/25 Tue | =9=(267-55-357) | =1=(123-61-489) |
05/02/25 Wed | =2=(280-04-239) | =1=(556-68-350) |
06/02/25 Thu | =5=(678-14-149) | =9=(470-10-244) |
07/02/25 Fri | =7=(159-55-690) | =3=(900-92-255) |
08/02/25 Sat | =4=(348-51-678) | =9=(469-97-340) |
09/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/02/25 Mon | =8=(359-71-470) | =3=(569-00-190) |
11/02/25 Tue | =1=(336-27-179) | =3=(699-43-580) |
12/02/25 Wed | =6=(480-21-155) | =2=(360-91-560) |
13/02/25 Thu | =0=(679-23-670) | =8=(126-95-168) |
14/02/25 Fri | =9=(180-95-348) | =6=(250-76-259) |
15/02/25 Sat | =2=(138-29-225) | =6=(237-25-348) |
16/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/02/25 Mon | =7=(255-21-137) | =2=(570-26-178) |
18/01/25 Sat | =4=(140-56-259) | ==(--) |
19/01/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
20/01/25 Mon | =5=(489-16-367) | =9=(129-23-689) |
21/01/25 Tue | =6=(137-19-388) | =1=(489-11-579) |
22/01/25 Wed | =1=(179-70-460) | =5=(128-16-457) |
23/01/25 Thu | =7=(268-66-178) | =4=(469-98-378) |
24/01/25 Fri | =6=(258-54-446) | =9=(337-34-158) |
25/01/25 Sat | =2=(249-53-120) | ==(--) |
26/01/25 Sun | ** | ** |
27/01/25 Mon | =4=(569-08-134) | =8=(356-47-467) |
28/01/25 Tue | =5=(357-54-112) | =8=(128-17-160) |
29/01/25 Wed | =3=(179-74-770) | =7=(588-15-456) |
30/01/25 Thu | =1=(158-43-337) | =3=(137-19-234) |
31/01/25 Fri | =1=(378-88-279) | =6=(267-57-179) |
01/02/25 Sat | =3=(467-73-346) | ==(--) |
02/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/02/25 Mon | =1=(177-53-120) | =2=(456-55-889) |
04/02/25 Tue | =3=(589-28-224) | =6=(278-79-270) |
05/02/25 Wed | =5=(110-24-266) | =8=(100-15-348) |
06/02/25 Thu | =0=(247-35-168) | =1=(239-43-580) |
07/02/25 Fri | =1=(389-04-347) | =7=(569-08-224) |
08/02/25 Sat | =7=(145-09-478) | ==(--) |
09/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/02/25 Mon | =3=(235-02-246) | =6=(690-51-245) |
11/02/25 Tue | =8=(136-08-800) | =6=(379-93-355) |
12/02/25 Wed | =6=(366-55-267) | =8=(380-15-113) |
13/02/25 Thu | =6=(499-29-180) | =2=(138-27-359) |
14/02/25 Fri | =6=(234-98-350) | =1=(880-64-248) |
15/02/25 Sat | =5=(158-45-140) | ==(--) |
16/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/02/25 Mon | =6=(116-89-234) | =9=(160-76-277) |
18/01/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
19/01/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
20/01/25 Mon | =6=(690-55-177) | ** |
21/01/25 Tue | =3=(226-04-266) | ** |
22/01/25 Wed | =9=(679-28-369) | ** |
23/01/25 Thu | =1=(900-91-146) | ** |
24/01/25 Fri | =4=(156-20-479) | ** |
25/01/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
26/01/25 Sun | ** | ** |
27/01/25 Mon | =5=(358-66-457) | ** |
28/01/25 Tue | =7=(469-96-448) | ** |
29/01/25 Wed | =2=(480-28-279) | ** |
30/01/25 Thu | =0=(337-33-120) | ** |
31/01/25 Fri | =5=(157-33-689) | ** |
01/02/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
02/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
03/02/25 Mon | =9=(367-68-189) | ** |
04/02/25 Tue | =3=(589-26-556) | ** |
05/02/25 Wed | =6=(270-96-790) | ** |
06/02/25 Thu | =4=(880-64-239) | ** |
07/02/25 Fri | =1=(115-78-134) | ** |
08/02/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
09/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
10/02/25 Mon | =2=(269-70-280) | ** |
11/02/25 Tue | =5=(239-46-448) | ** |
12/02/25 Wed | =0=(158-46-358) | ** |
13/02/25 Thu | =8=(148-35-780) | ** |
14/02/25 Fri | =7=(128-10-479) | ** |
15/02/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
16/02/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
17/02/25 Mon | =3=(156-29-388) |
7 | 34 | 7 |
8 | 8 | |
8 | 9 |
459 | 89 | 225 |
440 | 577 | |
990 | 270 | |
81 = 86 91 = 96 |
1 3 8 |
21 |
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3 5 8 |
63 | |||
1 7 9 |
70 |
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2 4 5 |
14 |
1 | 669 | 560 | 579 | 100 |
2 | 237 | 570 | 390 | 336 |
3 | 238 | 580 | 120 | 157 |
4 | 158 | 590 | 789 | 347 |
5 | 267 | 258 | 780 | 357 |
6 | 349 | 178 | 367 | 277 |
7 | 566 | 700 | 359 | 458 |
8 | 567 | 189 | 468 | 369 |
9 | 234 | 135 | 180 | 568 |
0 | 136 | 578 | 145 | 569 |