The basic intension to play the Satta is to increase the bank balance in a short span. Satta is a game played between two or more than two players. In a simple word, any game with the money is considered as Satta. In India, Satta is also known as various other names like Kalyan final ank, GaliSatta, Matka, and Desawar Satta.
However, the satta is not legal in India but people prefer the game to play illegally. The craze of the game is increasing day by day to play the SattaMatka online or offline.
Final ank is a most-visited & preferred website to try the luck and play Kalyan final, Milan day final, Rajdhani day final, kalyan chart Rajdhani night final, main ratan final, Matka final, and the complete Kalyan Final Ank game. Among these all, Kalyan Chart has attracted the bookie and players as there remain high chances of winning the chance.
The rule of thumb is, to play the Satta game in an accurate way online or offline and win every time. This is why, before entering into this gambling world it’s important to learn the rules and regulations in a tactful way.
The game of Dpboss Matka or any other online Satta is not completely illegal. The government of India has made some rules and regulations for the people who want to play Satta in a legal manner. However, people don’t follow the norms and prefer to play as per their comfort & capability.
The game is played between more than one player so initially, you need to accompany other people to start the play. can surely be the best platform to play the satta online. To start the satta play, it is important by the player to wager a bet on the numbers between 0 to 99. For the play, bettors should contact the Khaiwal of the area who is the concerned person to act as a mediator between the bettors and the other opponent.
Khaiwal works with a purpose to collect the money from all the players who have bet the money. After the game completion, he collects the money and gives it to the Satta king or we can say, the person who wins the game.
There aren’t any rock-hard rules to play the game but this is only for entertainment and earning purposes. Basically, to participate in the game you need to select a number or digit and put money on any Jodi number. If the number shows in the Satta result then the opponent will earn 90 times more than they have invested.
If you want to try the luck then Final Ank can be perfect to play the game and get the quick result!
FINALANK.NET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
24/02/25 Mon | =5=(770-41-290) | =1=(270-92-129) |
25/02/25 Tue | =8=(258-53-689) | =4=(267-59-469) |
26/02/25 Wed | =4=(169-63-157) | =1=(123-66-367) |
27/02/25 Thu | =2=(399-10-334) | =8=(589-25-500) |
28/02/25 Fri | =7=(488-03-346) | =3=(880-64-347) |
01/03/25 Sat | =5=(290-10-488) | =0=(334-00-460) |
02/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(368-72-390) |
03/03/25 Mon | =3=(238-39-559) | =1=(117-91-678) |
04/03/25 Tue | =2=(379-90-389) | =7=(338-46-448) |
05/03/25 Wed | =2=(239-48-440) | =0=(340-72-129) |
06/03/25 Thu | =3=(188-71-560) | =1=(158-42-129) |
07/03/25 Fri | =0=(236-19-270) | =5=(579-17-179) |
08/03/25 Sat | =4=(689-36-123) | =1=(570-29-135) |
09/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(467-77-368) |
10/03/25 Mon | =6=(469-93-139) | =1=(146-17-115) |
11/03/25 Tue | =8=(788-38-666) | =4=(660-29-667) |
12/03/25 Wed | =1=(590-46-790) | =9=(150-60-136) |
13/03/25 Thu | =1=(558-82-390) | =5=(167-48-378) |
14/03/25 Fri | ** | ** |
15/03/25 Sat | =2=(347-41-579) | =8=(150-66-448) |
16/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(270-99-234) |
17/03/25 Mon | =4=(470-13-120) | =9=(270-94-257) |
18/03/25 Tue | =3=(669-17-359) | =6=(148-38-233) |
19/03/25 Wed | =5=(790-61-380) | =8=(115-71-227) |
20/03/25 Thu | =0=(190-06-556) | =4=(300-39-270) |
21/03/25 Fri | =6=(470-17-566) | =2=(338-40-190) |
22/03/25 Sat | =3=(240-66-880) | =1=(560-12-246) |
23/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(137-19-469) |
24/03/25 Mon | =3=(149-43-139) | =1=(455-49-379) |
25/03/25 Tue | =1=(233-80-145) | =8=(457-61-245) |
26/03/25 Wed | =2=(347-49-135) | =4=(145-01-489) |
24/02/25 Mon | =6=(266-47-458) | =3=(268-65-690) |
25/02/25 Tue | =5=(359-75-456) | =1=(256-33-148) |
26/02/25 Wed | =9=(690-50-389) | =4=(113-50-460) |
27/02/25 Thu | =3=(267-59-469) | =5=(135-99-270) |
28/02/25 Fri | =2=(569-07-359) | =6=(269-75-258) |
01/03/25 Sat | =6=(340-78-260) | =2=(380-12-246) |
02/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/03/25 Mon | =8=(247-37-368) | =4=(159-52-688) |
04/03/25 Tue | =1=(115-78-468) | =4=(117-97-368) |
05/03/25 Wed | =7=(135-96-123) | =2=(120-35-348) |
06/03/25 Thu | =8=(230-52-156) | =5=(488-08-350) |
07/03/25 Fri | =2=(578-02-237) | =7=(789-46-790) |
08/03/25 Sat | =7=(260-81-470) | =2=(337-33-247) |
09/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/03/25 Mon | =4=(239-44-248) | =7=(378-83-157) |
11/03/25 Tue | =5=(678-13-148) | =4=(334-05-177) |
12/03/25 Wed | =2=(345-29-144) | =3=(138-22-129) |
13/03/25 Thu | =0=(770-42-255) | =2=(368-78-477) |
14/03/25 Fri | ** | ** |
15/03/25 Sat | =1=(149-47-278) | =6=(359-71-489) |
16/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/03/25 Mon | =5=(120-36-114) | =3=(349-65-113) |
18/03/25 Tue | =1=(579-12-589) | =9=(119-13-355) |
19/03/25 Wed | =1=(388-95-177) | =3=(345-29-478) |
20/03/25 Thu | =6=(138-28-477) | =2=(137-17-124) |
21/03/25 Fri | =1=(359-79-126) | =9=(135-98-125) |
22/03/25 Sat | =8=(880-66-277) | =4=(120-35-780) |
23/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
24/03/25 Mon | =8=(138-28-260) | =4=(180-96-367) |
25/03/25 Tue | =6=(788-37-250) | =3=(357-52-110) |
26/03/25 Wed | =9=(346-38-170) | =6=(144-90-190) |
24/02/25 Mon | =1=(447-57-269) | =5=(120-33-346) |
25/02/25 Tue | =0=(367-65-267) | =6=(348-50-389) |
26/02/25 Wed | =9=(136-06-457) | =2=(339-57-250) |
27/02/25 Thu | =2=(180-97-179) | =1=(389-00-578) |
28/02/25 Fri | =5=(270-93-337) | =4=(124-72-390) |
01/03/25 Sat | =7=(690-53-120) | =3=(146-14-158) |
02/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/03/25 Mon | =3=(778-21-588) | =5=(340-78-125) |
04/03/25 Tue | =8=(460-01-669) | =5=(399-12-110) |
05/03/25 Wed | =4=(558-80-677) | =8=(468-86-349) |
06/03/25 Thu | =1=(300-39-289) | =8=(134-81-669) |
07/03/25 Fri | =6=(129-20-460) | =3=(345-23-670) |
08/03/25 Sat | =0=(370-01-128) | =4=(345-27-124) |
09/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/03/25 Mon | =9=(789-49-568) | =2=(690-53-148) |
11/03/25 Tue | =2=(125-89-469) | =5=(589-20-370) |
12/03/25 Wed | =5=(369-83-157) | =2=(245-19-360) |
13/03/25 Thu | =3=(156-29-180) | =7=(599-30-235) |
14/03/25 Fri | ** | ** |
15/03/25 Sat | =8=(130-44-789) | =0=(589-20-479) |
16/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/03/25 Mon | =4=(558-82-778) | =2=(457-64-248) |
18/03/25 Tue | =7=(244-01-290) | =5=(147-25-889) |
19/03/25 Wed | =1=(579-14-347) | =5=(790-66-178) |
20/03/25 Thu | =6=(120-33-788) | =8=(178-61-380) |
21/03/25 Fri | =0=(160-70-677) | =7=(290-13-139) |
22/03/25 Sat | =5=(588-13-670) | =0=(490-30-550) |
23/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
24/03/25 Mon | =9=(111-33-139) | =4=(180-97-340) |
25/03/25 Tue | =2=(677-00-334) | =0=(350-83-580) |
26/03/25 Wed | =8=(470-10-550) | =7=(--) |
24/02/25 Mon | =4=(370-05-447) | =3=(357-58-233) |
25/02/25 Tue | =4=(358-63-238) | =6=(134-85-249) |
26/02/25 Wed | =5=(556-65-230) | =1=(118-06-123) |
27/02/25 Thu | =9=(250-79-270) | =7=(145-04-770) |
28/02/25 Fri | =8=(388-94-699) | =7=(379-97-250) |
01/03/25 Sat | =4=(118-03-238) | ==(--) |
02/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
03/03/25 Mon | =7=(126-95-456) | =4=(269-79-180) |
04/03/25 Tue | =6=(124-70-244) | =0=(137-11-236) |
05/03/25 Wed | =7=(330-67-890) | =1=(499-21-560) |
06/03/25 Thu | =7=(578-09-379) | =5=(269-76-169) |
07/03/25 Fri | =1=(237-26-600) | =4=(280-00-370) |
08/03/25 Sat | =6=(369-89-568) | ==(--) |
09/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
10/03/25 Mon | =4=(467-78-459) | =2=(348-52-156) |
11/03/25 Tue | =6=(458-78-477) | =8=(400-48-468) |
12/03/25 Wed | =8=(379-93-346) | =4=(147-25-456) |
13/03/25 Thu | =3=(349-69-) | =4=(158-41-335) |
14/03/25 Fri | ** | ** |
15/03/25 Sat | =2=(490-31-146) | ==(--) |
16/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
17/03/25 Mon | =6=(467-77-269) | =5=(156-28-116) |
18/03/25 Tue | =2=(113-51-380) | =8=(400-44-590) |
19/03/25 Wed | =6=(558-82-156) | =4=(690-55-348) |
20/03/25 Thu | =7=(440-89-270) | =4=(225-96-240) |
21/03/25 Fri | =3=(456-55-456) | =8=(450-94-239) |
22/03/25 Sat | =2=(125-85-168) | ==(--) |
23/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ==(--) |
24/03/25 Mon | =2=(299-02-345) | =6=(140-57-188) |
25/03/25 Tue | =1=(199-90-370) | =8=(120-36-457) |
26/03/25 Wed | =1=(--) | =4=(--) |
24/02/25 Mon | =2=(360-99-379) | ** |
25/02/25 Tue | =7=(344-14-130) | ** |
26/02/25 Wed | =0=(568-97-458) | ** |
27/02/25 Thu | =5=(336-29-126) | ** |
28/02/25 Fri | =8=(367-65-113) | ** |
01/03/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
02/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
03/03/25 Mon | =6=(477-80-677) | ** |
04/03/25 Tue | =3=(900-99-568) | ** |
05/03/25 Wed | =9=(580-33-238) | ** |
06/03/25 Thu | =1=(456-57-458) | ** |
07/03/25 Fri | =4=(336-27-124) | ** |
08/03/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
09/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
10/03/25 Mon | =7=(360-96-277) | ** |
11/03/25 Tue | =5=(128-16-268) | ** |
12/03/25 Wed | =8=(337-35-348) | ** |
13/03/25 Thu | =2=(166-37-467) | ** |
14/03/25 Fri | ** | ** |
15/03/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
16/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
17/03/25 Mon | =1=(369-89-135) | ** |
18/03/25 Tue | =3=(236-16-790) | ** |
19/03/25 Wed | =9=(334-03-139) | ** |
20/03/25 Thu | =6=(347-44-590) | ** |
21/03/25 Fri | =4=(124-76-367) | ** |
22/03/25 Sat | ==(--) | ** |
23/03/25 Sun | ==(--) | ** |
24/03/25 Mon | =5=(790-69-180) | ** |
25/03/25 Tue | =7=(457-67-890) | ** |
26/03/25 Wed | =2=(--) |
3 | 96 | 1 |
8 | 6 | |
8 | 9 |
560 | 16 | 600 |
100 | 556 | |
155 | 150 | |
16 = 11 66 = 61 |
2 5 5 |
29 |
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3 5 0 |
81 | |||
2 9 9 |
05 |
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3 4 7 |
47 |
1 | 560 | 236 | 470 | 678 |
2 | 660 | 570 | 390 | 336 |
3 | 238 | 580 | 120 | 157 |
4 | 158 | 590 | 789 | 347 |
5 | 267 | 258 | 780 | 357 |
6 | 349 | 178 | 367 | 277 |
7 | 557 | 179 | 359 | 458 |
8 | 567 | 189 | 468 | 369 |
9 | 234 | 135 | 180 | 568 |
0 | 550 | 578 | 370 | 569 |